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Random dynamics of the Morris–Lecar neural model
作者:数学建模与神经计算 发布日期:2019-2-28

Random dynamics of the Morris–Lecar neural model

Takashi Tateno,

Khashayar Pakdaman

Determining the response characteristics of neurons to fluctuating noise-like inputs similar to realistic stimuli is essential for understanding neuronal coding. This study addresses this issue by providing a random dynamical system analysis of the Morris–Lecar neural model driven by a white Gaussian noise current. Depending on parameter selections, the deterministic Morris–Lecar model can be considered as a canonical prototype for widely encountered classes of neuronal membranes, referred to as class I and class II membranes. In both the transitions from excitable to oscillating regimes are associated with different bifurcation scenarios. This work examines how random perturbations affect these two bifurcation scenarios. It is first numerically shown that the Morris–Lecar model driven by white Gaussian noise current tends to have a unique stationary distribution in the phase space. Numerical evaluations also reveal quantitative and qualitative changes in this distribution in the vicinity of the bifurcations of the deterministic system. However, these changes notwithstanding, our numerical simulations show that the Lyapunov exponents of the system remain negative in these parameter regions, indicating that no dynamical stochastic bifurcations take place.Moreover, our numerical simulations confirm that, regardless of the asymptotic dynamics of the deterministic system, the random Morris–Lecar model stabilizes at a unique stationary stochastic process. In terms of random dynamical system theory, our analysis shows that additive noise destroys the above-mentioned bifurcation sequences that characterize class I and class II regimes in the Morris–Lecar model. The interpretation of this result in terms of neuronal coding is that, despite the differences in the deterministic dynamics of class I and class II membranes, their responses to noise-like stimuli present a reliable feature.

Random dynamics of the Morris–Lecar neural model.pdf

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